Swoopy Buildings: Dubai Autodrome

For the swoopy building of the day, we propose HOK Sport's Dubai Autodrome. When we first saw this picture, we figured Zaha had slipped one through without us seeing. But indeed this is from 2004, and it's from HOK Sport, which undoubtedly means they hired staff from Zaha shortly after they received the commission.
One of the things we like about HOK Sport is that they don't get all high-minded about it. It's just crazy form, and in 50 years we'll still be able to love it. "The Marketing Building (also designed by HOK Sport) has been designed to create a feeling of motion and balance with the surrounding track and infrastructure." Which means we italicized all the buildings. This kind of simplicity, we can respect. We're tired of pure formalism masquerading as something else.
Via our new favorite website DTYBYWL.
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