NOLA Competition Open To Voting!

Global Green (and the ever-present Brad Pitt) sponsored a competition to promote sustainable design in the rebuilding of New Orleans, and the six finalists selected are now posted. The competition finalists are open to voting; we encourage you to vote and be heard, particularly because all of the entries mix modern design, sustainable design, and vernacular practicality without resorting to overt historicist pastiche. They didn't invite any of the New Urbanistas to the jury.
Our favorites were split between the submission by Metrostudio (no URL) in New Orleans, pictured above, and an entry by Workshop APD. Click Continue Reading for more images and observations...

Metrostudio's entry (click thumbnail for larger image) takes elements from existing New Orleans shotgun houses as its green technology, making it cheap to build. The shape of the houses is similar to a typical Creole cottage in the Marigny in its outline. What is innovative about this approach is that it proposes building many units in a single building without looking like it's a big apartment block.

Workshop APD's approach reaches out into the ground by employing a rainwater collection system and geothermal energy. The green technologies are efficient, but will require more site investment than Metrostudio's approach. However, the long-term payoff will probably be greater. The project wins points for not looking very "New Orleans" at all, yet is the kind of building that would probably look great there anyway, especially when the crepe myrtle matures around all the buildings.
Vote for your favorite today!
Via Archinect.
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